As followers of Jesus, we are called to work for justice, freedom, and peace in the world.


  • Dismas House

    Dismas House is a prison reentry program for men exiting incarceration. The goal of Dismas House is to provide the support and living experience that clients need to successfully build a life outside of prison. Immanuel provides both meals at Dismas House and financial support for their therapy outings program.

  • ABQ Faithworks

    ABQ FaithWorks is a collaborative of congregations working together in community to welcome the stranger and address short and long-term needs
 of asylum seekers, people experiencing homelessness, and those precariously housed. We envision a future where all people are safely housed and integrated into healthy communities of their choice. Immanuel is a contributing congregation of FaithWorks.

  • Four for Four

    As part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Immanuel annually participates in four church-wide Special Offerings which help to share Christ's love with millions of people around the world. We are connected with the ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and join in the efforts of Presbyterians around the corner and around the world to share God's grace and endless love.

  • Medical Debt Relief

    Presbyterian Healthcare Services identified 269 individuals to be relieved of their debt related to medical expenses through the Medical Debt Relief Fund. These individuals received a letter earlier this month informing them that their collections debt was paid in full by the contributions of Presbytery of Santa Fe congregations, including Immanuel. In total, $554,161 of medical debt in New Mexico was cleared through this initiative.